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Posts/How to use latexdiff on MacOS

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How to use latexdiff on MacOS

by Bharat Sharma,
This Tutorial is designed to help users that want to use latexdiff when they have one or multiple .tex files for one document class

If you have any difficulties regarding installation please use this trouble shooting method:


If you have multiple .tex files in your document and you use latexdiff on only one file, and you are not able to see the corrections, following steps will help fix the issue:

If you original ‘.tex’ file is “Original.tex”

This is the Original File.

If you revised ‘.tex’ file is “Revisions.tex”

This is the revision file.

Create a .tex file, “head.tex”


Now, on your terminal type following commands for Original.tex:

$ echo "\end{document}" >> Original.tex

$ cat head.tex Original.tex >> Original_full.tex

And, for Revisions.tex:

$ echo "\end{document}" >> Revisions.tex

$ cat head.tex Revisions.tex >> Revisions_full.tex #

Use latexdiff

$ latexdiff Original_full.tex Revisions_full.tex >> Difference.tex ####
$ pdflatex Difference.tex

This will create a Difference.pdf, which will have corrections