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Posts/Mask FillValues

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How to mask fill values in existing netcdf file?

In case ncdump -h command does not recognises your fill or missing values you can do the following.

Mask the NaNs in fillvalue of the file (with a variable gpp) using xarray.

import xarray as xr
ds = xr.open_dataset("")
ds_new = ds.fillna(1.e+36)
\# ds_new = ds.fillna(1.e+36).drop_vars("areacella") # incase you also want to remove a variable.
ds_new.gpp.attrs["_FillValue"] = 1.e+36
ds_new.gpp.attrs["missing_value"] = 1.e+36
ds_new.to_netcdf(f"", unlimited_dims={'time':True})

Change the lat/lon coordinates using xarrays

lon_values = np.asarray(ds.lon.values-180, dtype=float)
ds = ds.assign_coords({"lon" : (lon_values )})