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Posts/Fixing Dimensions of netCDF

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How to convert the nc coords from (0, 360) to (-180,180)?

Source : link

lon_name = 'longitude'  # whatever name is in the data

# Adjust lon values to make sure they are within (-180, 180)
ds['_longitude_adjusted'] = xr.where(
    ds[lon_name] > 180,
    ds[lon_name] - 360,

# reassign the new coords to as the main lon coords
# and sort DataArray using new coordinate values
ds = (
    .swap_dims({lon_name: '_longitude_adjusted'})
    .sel(**{'_longitude_adjusted': sorted(ds._longitude_adjusted)})

ds = ds.rename({'_longitude_adjusted': lon_name})

ds_new = ds.fillna(1.e+36)
ds_new.longitude.attrs["axis"] = "X"
ds_new.longitude.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east"
ds_new.longitude.attrs["standard_name"] = "Longitude"
ds_new.latitude.attrs["axis"] = "Y"
ds_new.time.attrs["axis"] = "T"

Reverse the dimension of lat : [90, 85, …, -85, -90] becomes [-90, -80, …, 85, 90]

Source: link

ds = ds.reindex([::-1])

When you get Error : AttributeError: NetCDF: String match to name in use while saving the netcdf file, Do: (source: link) ds.to_netcdf(path+filename_save,format='NETCDF3_64BIT')